Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Want to Increase your Companies Sales?

Equipment vendors & dealers our equipment leasing programs will help you close more sales!

Wanna Know how? View Equipment vendor and Dealer Program

Benefits of Leasing

How will leasing your equipment benefit you?

Leasing Conserves Capital

Leasing eases the strain on working capital by providing 100% financing. This means that you have more money available to invest in Profit Generating activities. It converts a large cash sale price into a low, affordable, tax deductible monthly payment.

Leasing Provides Total Financing

Leasing offers 100% financing, and unlike a bank loan, requires no down payment. Taxes, delivery, service contracts and other soft costs not typically financed by a bank can be included in the cost of the lease. One or two payments in advance are usually all that is required.

To view the full article about Benefits of Leasing